Editorial thoughts and musings by Anthony Gagliardo

                        INTER-FAN, WHERE  HAS THE TIME GONE?    
                          SEE WHERE INTER-FAN IS GOING.

Entry:120400    How long has it been since Jim Bertges gave INTER-FAN to DOC? How long has it been since the fanzine "INTER-CHAIN" was published? I wrote for that fanzine with DOC or Lance as he was known then, in the mid 80's. Now I will be writing for the same fanzine as afan-net. I don't know if fan-net is a term, if not you heard it here first.
    I first met Lance in the early 80's.  I was managing a convenience store at that time. He would come in and browse around at the comics that came in. (Note, this was in the days before there were many specialty shops, they were few and far between). I saw that he carried with him an illustrators pad. I asked if he drew and if I could see his illustrations. At that time I was looking for  an artist to draw my story. I explained I was a writer and asked him if he would draw a character I had in mind. Our first collaboration was "The Wolff Hunter Saga". Soon a plethora of collaborations started to unfold. At the submissions page for DOC, on this site you can see part of our work.  After our development of our "Saga" it was time to go to the San Diego Comic Con.

    The first people we talked to were "Pacific Comics". We explained that we have been working on a story and were interested for them to look at it. When I say we, it was really Lance who did the talking. I believe the year was 1982 or '83. To my surprise they were willing to listen to us then and there. I wasn't expecting that. And to top it off, this was my first comic convention. I was awestruck; stupefied was more like it. I have to hand it to Lance, he did a real good job in explaining our story. Unfortunately, they were not interested in our type of story. Enter Jim Bertges!

    Jim had "INTER-FAN" and Lance was a member at the time. I do believe that was when Jim connected Lance to Paul Curtis who was publishing something called Micro-comics at the time. These were hand-held piblications no bigger than the palm of your hand. A few of our stories made it in those. it was nice work. You had the experience of having a dead-line to meet. Lance had to rack his brain into presenting the story. He always seemed to express my stories accurately through his illustrations. Then he inherited "INTER-FAN"!

    The idea of "INTER-FAN" from the start is to help creators break into the business of comics. There a lot of resources out there. In the near future we at "INTER-FAN" will share these with you. Our goal is to be the one stop information center with links and editorials of interests. Feel free to submit work you want want to share with others. You could get feedback from some of the big-guns of comics and other up and coming professionals. Soon we will be putting out an INTER-FAN-NET newsletter. Write us with your ideas and help "INTER-FAN" be your "INTER-FAN". "INTER-FAN" was made for you, the fan and professional.
    How can we serve you? Help us help you.

                                            Anthony T. Gagliardo
                                               Editor and Chief

Please E-mail me with comments at: arneska@hotmail.com