Editorial thoughts and musings by Anthony Gagliardo


Hello Inter-Fam,

Inter-Fam is just a description of our Inter-Fan family. Our family consists of a 30-year history of assisting fanzines develop their product or production for the enjoyment of it. If there was profit that was a plus side. Fanzine enthusiasts would get together and talk of their favorite genre’. This soon became comic book conventions and sci fi conventions. Big comic conventions like the San Diego Comic Con blended both into one event. I am sure it is like that for other conventions. Other genres of entertainment have their own fanzine. Fanzines are nothing new. I would think a modern day fanzine would be Alter Ego by Roy Thomas. I think, not sure of this, is part of Two Morrow Publications. There are others and if you know of any please share with us.

Why am I talking of this? Inter-fan has grown. It is part of the modern IT network. Being part of the World Wide Web was the best booster shot for Inter-Fan. Before 1999 it was believed that Inter-Fan derailed. In reality it was fermenting into the new generation. Inter-Fan Productions Ink! is a fanzine on the net, basically a Fan-net. Inter-Fan’s purpose is to do what its history has always propagated. We are a mediator of talent. Our hope is to help people get together to start and finish a product. We are to share sources to further assist all independents in their success in publication.

So there you have it we graduated from fanzines (though we are still part of) to independent publishers like Rene Castellano from Instant Press Comics. IPC has agreed in conjunction with Inter-Fan Productions Ink! to collaborate in the history of Inter-Fan. The plan is to do an anthology of past, present and future members in print. The first goal is to have the first book out next June 2006. Some of us are excited of this and it has rejuvenated some of us to write or draw again. Me for writing, Doc for artwork and Doc’s predecessor Jim Bertges has expressed some excitement in this project. In fact five of his scripts are involved in this and we are looking for artists, inkers and such.

For more information please email at the contact address below. Put on the subject line Inter-fanthology info. Doc has 30 years of artwork and correspondence to go through so there will be more than one Inter-Fanthology book. That is seven plus packages sent by Jim Bertges in September of this year.

At this point there is no pay for the work but a few issues will be given to each contributor of the printed Inter-fanthology. The number of issues per person will be discussed at a later time. I believe it is at least five copies per person that contributes.

History is the study of man's past to analyze the present and to hopefully predict the future. Inter-Fanthology is that. We will enjoy past contributors of Inter-Fan history as well as present members works. The future of Inter-Fan Productions Ink! depends on you and on us. How can we help you? How can you assist Inter-Fan? It is a team effort and a family effort.

One last note, once a member always a member.

Anthony T. Gagliardo The People’s Editor

If you have any experiences with Inter-fan in the past please share with us. You could send those to: submissions@inter-fan.org