Editorial thoughts and musings by Anthony Gagliardo


Hello Fan Nites, Happy Belated New Years. I hope everyone’s holidays were good. Well it’s a new year. Surely most of us have a News Years Resolution. It’s a time of reflection. We no doubt ponder our mistakes and misgivings to renew our hope for an industrialist new year. We may also think of our transitions of positive productions into the New Year. As you all may know we at Interfan Ink are working on a history of work that involves the past 30 plus years of Interfan history. It’s an anthology of course. Well, for us it is an INTERFANthology. The proposed date is June of the New Year 2006. Our predecessor Jim Bertges is exited about it. Rene Castellano of InstantPress is happy about it. Doc has made extraordinary contacts in the genre of fanzines. I see Doc always working for us in other forums most recently I’ve seen him in Ultrazine talking about Interfan and inviting other fanzine enthusiasts to come on board the INTERFANthology project. People of history I don’t now. But looking at the response of Doc’s inquiries tells me that Inter-Fan Ink will be busy for the long haul

I don’t know where Doc gets his energy. But he is an inspiration because of his passion for Fandom and the creators of these fanzines and small press. Doc, what is your secret? Did you get a taste of Captain America’s super soldier serum? Please Share! Thanks Doc for your diligence in something we all love.

While investigating what I talked of last time, the e comic books, I found that it is being done already. In fact two of our alumni’s Neil Volkes and Rich Rankin have done ecomics through a company called Unbound Comics. Unbound Comics is part of the ebookopolis bookstore located at eBooksoplis

Other than finding Volkes and Rankin’s Eagle e-comic book, I found Dalgoda of Fantagraphics fame from the 80’s and found Mars by Wheatley and Hempel from First Comics. The last thing I read about Mars is that they were going to have a trade paperback full color 288 pages through Silver Comics. This information was dated for release August of 2005.

The bottom line is that these main streamers have a on going series in e-comic book form. We too can have an e-comic book. The following information was copied from ebookopolis website. Thank you for listening and see you guys next time.

Anthony T. Gagliardo The People’s Editor

Please E-mail me with comments at: submissions@inter-fan.org